The situation:
I listen to a lot of podcasts. I like to keep up with all of the episodes, not just the most recent one, and I like to be in control of exactly what plays and in what order. (So stitcher is out.) In my iPhone (and before that, iPod) days, I used iTunes to create Smart Playlists for the different categories of podcast I want to listen to. E.g. all NPR podcasts go in one playlist, all short story podcasts go in another. I define them like this:

See, it only lists podcasts, that haven’t been played, with certain names. So if I’m in the mood for NPR, I start at the beginning of my NPR playlist. As I play each podcast, either in iTunes or an iPod-like device, its play-count is incremented, and it no longer appears in its playlist. The next time I sync the device with iTunes, it deletes played podcasts and loads on new unplayed ones.
The problem:
I switched from iPhone to an Android (Motorola Droid X), and didn’t want to have to carry several devices in my purse. I wanted my Android to be a one-stop-shop just like the iPhone was, which meant it needed to sync podcasts.
Continue reading Getting my Android to sync podcasts like an iPhone does