I’ve noticed that I like my writing voice better when I’m talking to myself, pondering to myself, stream of consciousness (though it usually is in complete sentences… cuz I’m funny like that). Why is that? I’m more authentic with myself. I also don’t have to fill in as much back-story, cuz I already know the background, so it’s a faster, more immediate train of thought. (“Wait for me!” she shouted, running after the train.) Also, I have more random asides and quips, because I’m amusing myself. :) Sometimes they’re inside jokes, where you really had to be there on that one day in the 10th grade when…
And then, do I edit my train-of-thought stream-of-consciousness blurbs after I’ve reached the end? If I edit inline, then I’m clearly too self-conscious and not really talking to myself (cuz duh, I don’t need to censor when *I’m* the audience, cuz I’ll be hearing all the extra crap whether I edit or not). But what about afterwards? When I realize that I looped around back to repeat something I’ve already said, and why on earth would you care about all the meanderings and thoughts I’ve been having?
Also, that means that once the moment has passed, once I don’t feel the need to tell myself the story, then I won’t be able to recapture it for you, either. But then, if I don’t feel the need to tell myself the story, maybe that means I don’t need to tell you, either. (And who is “you” in this sentence? Is it me, because I’m writing to myself? Or is it the imaginary audience out there who probably isn’t reading this post anyway? Woah, my head is spinning.)
I want to post more. (I hate reading blog posts from inconsistent bloggers [like myself] who post saying “I want to blog more! But here’s my excuse why I haven’t… or here’s my plan for doing better!”, when really you could just SKIP the post saying “I’m gonna blog more” and instead just start blogging more. Duh.) But anyway, I do want to post more. I also know that this is pretty low on my list of priorities. (Given my previous parenthetical, where is this paragraph going? I think I had a point when I started it, but I got distracted by my own aside, and now I don’t remember what the next sentence should be. Oh right…) It’s an effort to write up a blog post, and disappointing to reread it and realize I sound lame, or I’m not telling an interesting story after all, and so I should just scrap it as not worth* the ones and zeroes it’s printed on. (And I’m still doing that lame thing I hate from others: sharing my lack of self-confidence. Sigh.) But the point is that when I’m writing to myself in my notebook, or on paper, then I like my voice just fine. Maybe I read it differently when it’s only to myself? Maybe I write it differently? Nah, I’ve lost the voice, now I’m telling YOU instead of telling myself. My self has already moved on to another subject, which is the point of my footnote… so I’ll just leave you with the footnote:
* I mistyped “worth” as another word that’s like “wrote“: wroth. It’s the verb of “wrath”, I think. “She was wroth with him.” Could just say “angry at”, but “wroth” sounds cool. And it’s just one letter off from “wrote”… which is the only thing they have in common. :)
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