(It’s a bit grainy, because it’s night-time. And I won’t remember to take a new picture in the morning.)
I know that I’m in the writing spirit because I have many important bits of the writing craft lying around my living room.
From top to bottom:
- The most awesome, portable, roll of fine-point markers, by Staedtler.
- My previous LFG notebook, Clairefontaine because I love them, and quad because it’s more versatile than lined. Cloth-bound.
- My new LFG notebook, also Clairefontaine, also quad, but spiral-bound. (I just started this one, so the previous one is still hanging around. It will move onto a shelf once I’m settled into this one.)
- The stack of pages (held together with one of my favorite pens) that is my Vampire Story printed out.
- The large spiral unlined notebook I use for brainstorming when the small quad paper isn’t working.
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas R. Hofstadter*, which I loved the first half of years ago, and which I decided to pick up again this weekend. I’ve just learned (again, since presumably I learned it the last time I read it) what a canon is and what a fugue is.
- Very large (ok, “very” in my little non-artistic world) drawing paper, for extra-large brainstorming. Not often used: but used this weekend.
- And finally, chocolate. Duh.
(The picture does not include my laptop, because I am using it and didn’t think to include it as one of my writing-things, even though it is. I have selective blindness, sometimes, often without explanation.)
* I swear I don’t usually have so many^ things with the odd^^ “dt” sound pairing just lying around near each other.
^ i.e. greater than none
^^ odd for English, obviously. I assume “dt” is German in Staedtler and Hofstadter?